Sunday, 31 August 2014

Primavera - Verano 2014 - Spring/Summer 2014 - Highlights

Soy consciente que no he estado publicando mucho asi que voy a resumir lo que ha estado pasando desde Abril Mayo hasta Agosto.
En Mayo participo en Open Studios en Newbury y en 2014 lo hice con dos artistas amigas - Kate Steele y Christine Lack; utilizamos el mismo local que use yo en 2013, la capilla del cementerio que esta en frente de mi casa.
Expusimos trabajos de cada una y tambien una pieza en colaboracion de las tres llamada Embrace en la que cada una experimentamos con las tecnicas de las otras dos.
I am aware that I've not published for a while so i am going to sumarise what has been happening since April/May till August here.
In May I took part in Open Studios en Newbury, this year with two other artist friends - Kate Steele and Christine Lack; we used the same venue I used in 2013, the chapel of the cemetery opposite my house.
We exhibited our own work but also a collaborative piece, Embrace, where we each experimented in each others media.
Tambien parte de Open Studios fue el proyecto Cover to Cover que organice con Arlington Arts en el que 30 artistas utilizaron sketchbooks para mostrar su forma de trabajo y expusimos los libros junto con piezas que estaban relacionadas con los sketchbooks. El proyecto era un concurso y tuvimos un juez de lujo - el presidente del New English Art Club - Richard Pikesley.
Also part of Open Studios was the project Cover to Cover that i organised with Arlington Arts where 30 artists used sketchbooks to show theire way of working and we exhibited the books together with artwork related to the sketchbooks. The project was a competition an we had an excellent judge - Richard Pikesley, the president of the New English Art Club

Junio  fue un mes de preparacion para el taller que organice en Oxford con Swasky y Miguel Herranz, urban sketchers, que tuvo lugar en Julio - el resultado del taller se puede ver aqui
En resumen muy resumido, tuvimos 30 participantes internacionales y conseguimos atraer a la prensa local al centro de arte donde expusimos los resultados del curso, la exposicion crecia de dia a dia.
June was a month of preparation for the workshop i organised in Oxford with Swasky and Miguel Herranz, urban sketchers, that took place in July - the outcome of the workshop can be seen here.  A very short summary would be that we had 30  international participants and we managed to attrat the local press to the art centre where we exhibited the course work in an exhibition that grew everyday.

Photo de David Fleming para el Oxford Mail
Fue una experiencia exhilarante que espero se repetira muy pronto.
It was an exhilarating experience i hope we repeat very soon.
El resto de Julio y Agosto lo he pasado trabajando en mis trabajos de arquitectura y entre otras cosas conseguimos el permiso para renovar una iglesia local como centro de arte y galeria que servira a la comunidad local.
The rest of July and Agust i have spent working on my architecture work and amongst other things we got planning permission to transform this old methodist chapel into an art gallery and workshop that will serve as a community art hub.

Y tambien fui seleccionada para la exposicion en el New Greeham Arts sobre retrato por mi libro de autoretratos. Podeis ver un video que compuse al respecto aqui.
And finally I got accepted for the New Greenham Arts Open Exhibition 2014 on the subject of portraits with a book of self portraits. You can see a video of some of them here.
Y ahora a ver que pasa el resto del 2014! And now let's see what happens the rest of 2014!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Roche Court sketching - Dibujando en Roche Court

A veces hay situaciones en que uno se encuentra en peligro mientras dibuja - el otro dia, dibujando en Roche Court - parque de escultura - se me acerco un perro enorme mientras dibujaba - era mas alto que yo sentada! Me puso un pelin nerviosa ver su cara tan cerca de la mia y me alegre mucho de que no abriera la boca (se me habria tragado entera).
Aqui esta el dibujillo que estaba yo haciendo de la expo nueva que tienen alli.

Mas aqui

Some times there are dangerous situations one finds oneself whilst sketching. The other day, drawing at Roche Court - sculpture park - a large dog got close to me whilst the owner simply watched by. He was much taller than me (i was sitting down). I was slightly nervous to see his face so close to mine and was very happy that he did not open his mouth (he could have swallowed me alive!)
Here is the sketch i was doing of the new exhibition they are showing right now.

More here

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Feliz 2014! Happy New Year! - MUSICA RECICLAJE

El dia 5 Enero vimos un concierto maravilloso de la orquesta de Cateura - podeis verles aqui
Sus instrumentos estan hechos de basura que sus familias recojen y trasiegan.
Los chicos y el director son estupendos y el concierto fue muy divertido.
Si teneis occasion de verles os los recomiendo.

We went to see a wonderful concert on teh 5th of January - Cateura's orchestra - you can see them here
Their instruments are made of rubbish that their families collect and deal with.
The children and the conductor/director are brilliant and the concert was very well received and amusing. If you have an occassion to see them I recommend them.