Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Feliz Navidad - autorretratos - self portraits

Feliz Navidad a todos - he estado dibujando una serie de autorretratos (varias técnicas, incluyendo lápiz, acuarela, boli y iPad) que han sido desatadas por unas indicaciones recividas sobre las proporciones de la cabeza...así que aqui van unos pocos y podeis ver el resto aqui

Happy Chritsmas to all! 
I have been  drawing a series of self portraits (various techniques: pencil, watercolour, pen and iPad ). It all started because I received some indications on how  the head proportions work... Here go a few, the rest you can see them here

1 comment:

  1. Well some a really fine but for other i believe you need to do a lot of home work with months of practice to deliver a perfect piece of work
