Saturday, 15 October 2011

Lake Garda Marathon

Estuve en Malcesine (Lago de Garda, Italia) este fin de semana esperando a que mi suegra acabara la maraton. Mientras haciamos tiempo fuimos al castillo, y desde la torre dibuje los tejadillos.Aqui van.
We were in Malcesine (Lake Garda, Italy) last weekend to support my mother in law who was running the marathon. While we waited for her arrival we went to the castle and from the tower i drew the rooftops.

Antes del maraton vimos prepararse a los corredores, estirandose, las bicis de mano calentando, los del puesto de ambulancia esperando, los corredores esperando la salida...
Before the marathon we saw the runners getting ready, the hand cycles warming up, the ambulance crew at the ready, the runners waiting to start...

Y luego ya corriendo durante los ultimos km - dificil coger el movimiento. Despues de llegar envueltos en papel de aluminio.
And running during the last few miles, quite difficult to catch them whilst moving. And after the arrival runners were covered in aluminium sheets.

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